Database: AdventureWorks2008R2
name | AdventureWorks2008R2 |
collation | SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS |
compatibilityLevel | 100 |
createDate | Nov 13 2018 2:17PM |
AdventureWorks2008R2_Data | D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\AdventureWorks2008R2_Data.mdf |
AdventureWorks2008R2_Log | D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\AdventureWorks2008R2_log.LDF |
Statistics | |
Total number of Tables | 71 |
Total number of Empty Tables | 1 |
Total number of Rows | 760838 |
Total number of Columns | 486 |
Total number of Foreign Keys | 91 |
Total number of Views | 20 |
Total number of Stored Procedures | 10 |
Total number of Functions | 11 |
Database: AdventureWorks2008R2
Table: Address 19614
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | AddressID | int | |
2 | AddressLine1 | nvarchar(120) | |
3 | AddressLine2 | nvarchar(120) | |
4 | City | nvarchar(60) | |
5 | StateProvinceID | int | |
6 | PostalCode | nvarchar(30) | |
7 | SpatialLocation | geography | |
8 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
9 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: AddressType 6
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | AddressTypeID | int | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
4 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: AWBuildVersion 1
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | SystemInformationID | tinyint | |
2 | Database Version | nvarchar(50) | |
3 | VersionDate | datetime | |
4 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: BillOfMaterials 2679
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BillOfMaterialsID | int | |
2 | ProductAssemblyID | int | |
3 | ComponentID | int | |
4 | StartDate | datetime | |
5 | EndDate | datetime | |
6 | UnitMeasureCode | nchar(6) | |
7 | BOMLevel | smallint | |
8 | PerAssemblyQty | decimal(8,2) | |
9 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: BusinessEntity 20777
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
3 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: BusinessEntityAddress 19614
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | AddressID | int | |
3 | AddressTypeID | int | |
4 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
5 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: BusinessEntityContact 909
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | PersonID | int | |
3 | ContactTypeID | int | |
4 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
5 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: ContactType 20
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ContactTypeID | int | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: CountryRegion 238
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | CountryRegionCode | nvarchar(6) | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: CountryRegionCurrency 109
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | CountryRegionCode | nvarchar(6) | |
2 | CurrencyCode | nchar(6) | |
3 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: CreditCard 19118
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | CreditCardID | int | |
2 | CardType | nvarchar(100) | |
3 | CardNumber | nvarchar(50) | |
4 | ExpMonth | tinyint | |
5 | ExpYear | smallint | |
6 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: Culture 8
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | CultureID | nchar(12) | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: Currency 105
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | CurrencyCode | nchar(6) | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: CurrencyRate 13532
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | CurrencyRateID | int | |
2 | CurrencyRateDate | datetime | |
3 | FromCurrencyCode | nchar(6) | |
4 | ToCurrencyCode | nchar(6) | |
5 | AverageRate | money | |
6 | EndOfDayRate | money | |
7 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: Customer 19820
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | CustomerID | int | |
2 | PersonID | int | |
3 | StoreID | int | |
4 | TerritoryID | int | |
5 | AccountNumber | varchar(10) | |
6 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
7 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: DatabaseLog 1597
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | DatabaseLogID | int | |
2 | PostTime | datetime | |
3 | DatabaseUser | sysname | |
4 | Event | sysname | |
5 | Schema | sysname | |
6 | Object | sysname | |
7 | TSQL | nvarchar(-1) | |
8 | XmlEvent | xml | |
Relationships | |||
Table: Department 16
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | DepartmentID | smallint | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | GroupName | Name | |
4 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: Document 13
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | DocumentNode | hierarchyid | |
2 | DocumentLevel | smallint | |
3 | Title | nvarchar(100) | |
4 | Owner | int | |
5 | FolderFlag | bit | |
6 | FileName | nvarchar(800) | |
7 | FileExtension | nvarchar(16) | |
8 | Revision | nchar(10) | |
9 | ChangeNumber | int | |
10 | Status | tinyint | |
11 | DocumentSummary | nvarchar(-1) | |
12 | Document | varbinary | |
13 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
14 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: EmailAddress 19972
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | EmailAddressID | int | |
3 | EmailAddress | nvarchar(100) | |
4 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
5 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: Employee 290
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | NationalIDNumber | nvarchar(30) | |
3 | LoginID | nvarchar(512) | |
4 | OrganizationNode | hierarchyid | |
5 | OrganizationLevel | smallint | |
6 | JobTitle | nvarchar(100) | |
7 | BirthDate | date | |
8 | MaritalStatus | nchar(2) | |
9 | Gender | nchar(2) | |
10 | HireDate | date | |
11 | SalariedFlag | Flag | |
12 | VacationHours | smallint | |
13 | SickLeaveHours | smallint | |
14 | CurrentFlag | Flag | |
15 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
16 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: EmployeeDepartmentHistory 296
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | DepartmentID | smallint | |
3 | ShiftID | tinyint | |
4 | StartDate | date | |
5 | EndDate | date | |
6 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: EmployeePayHistory 316
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | RateChangeDate | datetime | |
3 | Rate | money | |
4 | PayFrequency | tinyint | |
5 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: ErrorLog
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ErrorLogID | int | |
2 | ErrorTime | datetime | |
3 | UserName | sysname | |
4 | ErrorNumber | int | |
5 | ErrorSeverity | int | |
6 | ErrorState | int | |
7 | ErrorProcedure | nvarchar(252) | |
8 | ErrorLine | int | |
9 | ErrorMessage | nvarchar(8000) | |
Relationships | |||
Table: Illustration 5
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | IllustrationID | int | |
2 | Diagram | xml | |
3 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: JobCandidate 13
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | JobCandidateID | int | |
2 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
3 | Resume | xml | |
4 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: Location 14
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | LocationID | smallint | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | CostRate | smallmoney | |
4 | Availability | decimal(8,2) | |
5 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: Password 19972
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | PasswordHash | varchar(128) | |
3 | PasswordSalt | varchar(10) | |
4 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
5 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: Person 19972
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | PersonType | nchar(4) | |
3 | NameStyle | NameStyle | |
4 | Title | nvarchar(16) | |
5 | FirstName | Name | |
6 | MiddleName | Name | |
7 | LastName | Name | |
8 | Suffix | nvarchar(20) | |
9 | EmailPromotion | int | |
10 | AdditionalContactInfo | xml | |
11 | Demographics | xml | |
12 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
13 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: PersonCreditCard 19118
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | CreditCardID | int | |
3 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: PersonPhone 19972
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | PhoneNumber | Phone | |
3 | PhoneNumberTypeID | int | |
4 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: PhoneNumberType 3
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | PhoneNumberTypeID | int | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: Product 504
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ProductID | int | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | ProductNumber | nvarchar(50) | |
4 | MakeFlag | Flag | |
5 | FinishedGoodsFlag | Flag | |
6 | Color | nvarchar(30) | |
7 | SafetyStockLevel | smallint | |
8 | ReorderPoint | smallint | |
9 | StandardCost | money | |
10 | ListPrice | money | |
11 | Size | nvarchar(10) | |
12 | SizeUnitMeasureCode | nchar(6) | |
13 | WeightUnitMeasureCode | nchar(6) | |
14 | Weight | decimal(8,2) | |
15 | DaysToManufacture | int | |
16 | ProductLine | nchar(4) | |
17 | Class | nchar(4) | |
18 | Style | nchar(4) | |
19 | ProductSubcategoryID | int | |
20 | ProductModelID | int | |
21 | SellStartDate | datetime | |
22 | SellEndDate | datetime | |
23 | DiscontinuedDate | datetime | |
24 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
25 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: ProductCategory 4
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ProductCategoryID | int | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
4 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: ProductCostHistory 395
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ProductID | int | |
2 | StartDate | datetime | |
3 | EndDate | datetime | |
4 | StandardCost | money | |
5 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: ProductDescription 762
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ProductDescriptionID | int | |
2 | Description | nvarchar(800) | |
3 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
4 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: ProductDocument 32
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ProductID | int | |
2 | DocumentNode | hierarchyid | |
3 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: ProductInventory 1069
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ProductID | int | |
2 | LocationID | smallint | |
3 | Shelf | nvarchar(20) | |
4 | Bin | tinyint | |
5 | Quantity | smallint | |
6 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
7 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: ProductListPriceHistory 395
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ProductID | int | |
2 | StartDate | datetime | |
3 | EndDate | datetime | |
4 | ListPrice | money | |
5 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: ProductModel 128
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ProductModelID | int | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | CatalogDescription | xml | |
4 | Instructions | xml | |
5 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
6 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: ProductModelIllustration 7
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ProductModelID | int | |
2 | IllustrationID | int | |
3 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture 762
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ProductModelID | int | |
2 | ProductDescriptionID | int | |
3 | CultureID | nchar(12) | |
4 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: ProductPhoto 101
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ProductPhotoID | int | |
2 | ThumbNailPhoto | varbinary | |
3 | ThumbnailPhotoFileName | nvarchar(100) | |
4 | LargePhoto | varbinary | |
5 | LargePhotoFileName | nvarchar(100) | |
6 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: ProductProductPhoto 504
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ProductID | int | |
2 | ProductPhotoID | int | |
3 | Primary | Flag | |
4 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: ProductReview 4
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ProductReviewID | int | |
2 | ProductID | int | |
3 | ReviewerName | Name | |
4 | ReviewDate | datetime | |
5 | EmailAddress | nvarchar(100) | |
6 | Rating | int | |
7 | Comments | nvarchar(7700) | |
8 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: ProductSubcategory 37
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ProductSubcategoryID | int | |
2 | ProductCategoryID | int | |
3 | Name | Name | |
4 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
5 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: ProductVendor 460
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ProductID | int | |
2 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
3 | AverageLeadTime | int | |
4 | StandardPrice | money | |
5 | LastReceiptCost | money | |
6 | LastReceiptDate | datetime | |
7 | MinOrderQty | int | |
8 | MaxOrderQty | int | |
9 | OnOrderQty | int | |
10 | UnitMeasureCode | nchar(6) | |
11 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: PurchaseOrderDetail 8845
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | PurchaseOrderID | int | |
2 | PurchaseOrderDetailID | int | |
3 | DueDate | datetime | |
4 | OrderQty | smallint | |
5 | ProductID | int | |
6 | UnitPrice | money | |
7 | LineTotal | money | |
8 | ReceivedQty | decimal(8,2) | |
9 | RejectedQty | decimal(8,2) | |
10 | StockedQty | decimal(9,2) | |
11 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: PurchaseOrderHeader 4012
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | PurchaseOrderID | int | |
2 | RevisionNumber | tinyint | |
3 | Status | tinyint | |
4 | EmployeeID | int | |
5 | VendorID | int | |
6 | ShipMethodID | int | |
7 | OrderDate | datetime | |
8 | ShipDate | datetime | |
9 | SubTotal | money | |
10 | TaxAmt | money | |
11 | Freight | money | |
12 | TotalDue | money | |
13 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: SalesOrderDetail 121317
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | SalesOrderID | int | |
2 | SalesOrderDetailID | int | |
3 | CarrierTrackingNumber | nvarchar(50) | |
4 | OrderQty | smallint | |
5 | ProductID | int | |
6 | SpecialOfferID | int | |
7 | UnitPrice | money | |
8 | UnitPriceDiscount | money | |
9 | LineTotal | numeric(38,6) | |
10 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
11 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: SalesOrderHeader 31465
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | SalesOrderID | int | |
2 | RevisionNumber | tinyint | |
3 | OrderDate | datetime | |
4 | DueDate | datetime | |
5 | ShipDate | datetime | |
6 | Status | tinyint | |
7 | OnlineOrderFlag | Flag | |
8 | SalesOrderNumber | nvarchar(50) | |
9 | PurchaseOrderNumber | OrderNumber | |
10 | AccountNumber | AccountNumber | |
11 | CustomerID | int | |
12 | SalesPersonID | int | |
13 | TerritoryID | int | |
14 | BillToAddressID | int | |
15 | ShipToAddressID | int | |
16 | ShipMethodID | int | |
17 | CreditCardID | int | |
18 | CreditCardApprovalCode | varchar(15) | |
19 | CurrencyRateID | int | |
20 | SubTotal | money | |
21 | TaxAmt | money | |
22 | Freight | money | |
23 | TotalDue | money | |
24 | Comment | nvarchar(256) | |
25 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
26 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason 27647
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | SalesOrderID | int | |
2 | SalesReasonID | int | |
3 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: SalesPerson 17
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | TerritoryID | int | |
3 | SalesQuota | money | |
4 | Bonus | money | |
5 | CommissionPct | smallmoney | |
6 | SalesYTD | money | |
7 | SalesLastYear | money | |
8 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
9 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: SalesPersonQuotaHistory 163
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | QuotaDate | datetime | |
3 | SalesQuota | money | |
4 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
5 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: SalesReason 10
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | SalesReasonID | int | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | ReasonType | Name | |
4 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: SalesTaxRate 29
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | SalesTaxRateID | int | |
2 | StateProvinceID | int | |
3 | TaxType | tinyint | |
4 | TaxRate | smallmoney | |
5 | Name | Name | |
6 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
7 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: SalesTerritory 10
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | TerritoryID | int | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | CountryRegionCode | nvarchar(6) | |
4 | Group | nvarchar(100) | |
5 | SalesYTD | money | |
6 | SalesLastYear | money | |
7 | CostYTD | money | |
8 | CostLastYear | money | |
9 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
10 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: SalesTerritoryHistory 17
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | TerritoryID | int | |
3 | StartDate | datetime | |
4 | EndDate | datetime | |
5 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
6 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: ScrapReason 16
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ScrapReasonID | smallint | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: Shift 3
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ShiftID | tinyint | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | StartTime | time | |
4 | EndTime | time | |
5 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: ShipMethod 5
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ShipMethodID | int | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | ShipBase | money | |
4 | ShipRate | money | |
5 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
6 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: ShoppingCartItem 3
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ShoppingCartItemID | int | |
2 | ShoppingCartID | nvarchar(100) | |
3 | Quantity | int | |
4 | ProductID | int | |
5 | DateCreated | datetime | |
6 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: SpecialOffer 16
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | SpecialOfferID | int | |
2 | Description | nvarchar(510) | |
3 | DiscountPct | smallmoney | |
4 | Type | nvarchar(100) | |
5 | Category | nvarchar(100) | |
6 | StartDate | datetime | |
7 | EndDate | datetime | |
8 | MinQty | int | |
9 | MaxQty | int | |
10 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
11 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: SpecialOfferProduct 538
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | SpecialOfferID | int | |
2 | ProductID | int | |
3 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
4 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: StateProvince 181
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | StateProvinceID | int | |
2 | StateProvinceCode | nchar(6) | |
3 | CountryRegionCode | nvarchar(6) | |
4 | IsOnlyStateProvinceFlag | Flag | |
5 | Name | Name | |
6 | TerritoryID | int | |
7 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
8 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: Store 701
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | SalesPersonID | int | |
4 | Demographics | xml | |
5 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
6 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: TransactionHistory 113443
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | TransactionID | int | |
2 | ProductID | int | |
3 | ReferenceOrderID | int | |
4 | ReferenceOrderLineID | int | |
5 | TransactionDate | datetime | |
6 | TransactionType | nchar(2) | |
7 | Quantity | int | |
8 | ActualCost | money | |
9 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: TransactionHistoryArchive 89253
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | TransactionID | int | |
2 | ProductID | int | |
3 | ReferenceOrderID | int | |
4 | ReferenceOrderLineID | int | |
5 | TransactionDate | datetime | |
6 | TransactionType | nchar(2) | |
7 | Quantity | int | |
8 | ActualCost | money | |
9 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: UnitMeasure 38
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | UnitMeasureCode | nchar(6) | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: Vendor 104
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | AccountNumber | AccountNumber | |
3 | Name | Name | |
4 | CreditRating | tinyint | |
5 | PreferredVendorStatus | Flag | |
6 | ActiveFlag | Flag | |
7 | PurchasingWebServiceURL | nvarchar(2048) | |
8 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: WorkOrder 72591
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | WorkOrderID | int | |
2 | ProductID | int | |
3 | OrderQty | int | |
4 | StockedQty | int | |
5 | ScrappedQty | smallint | |
6 | StartDate | datetime | |
7 | EndDate | datetime | |
8 | DueDate | datetime | |
9 | ScrapReasonID | smallint | |
10 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
Table: WorkOrderRouting 67131
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | WorkOrderID | int | |
2 | ProductID | int | |
3 | OperationSequence | smallint | |
4 | LocationID | smallint | |
5 | ScheduledStartDate | datetime | |
6 | ScheduledEndDate | datetime | |
7 | ActualStartDate | datetime | |
8 | ActualEndDate | datetime | |
9 | ActualResourceHrs | decimal(9,4) | |
10 | PlannedCost | money | |
11 | ActualCost | money | |
12 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
View: vAdditionalContactInfo
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | FirstName | Name | |
3 | MiddleName | Name | |
4 | LastName | Name | |
5 | TelephoneNumber | nvarchar(100) | |
6 | TelephoneSpecialInstructions | nvarchar(-1) | |
7 | Street | nvarchar(100) | |
8 | City | nvarchar(100) | |
9 | StateProvince | nvarchar(100) | |
10 | PostalCode | nvarchar(100) | |
11 | CountryRegion | nvarchar(100) | |
12 | HomeAddressSpecialInstructions | nvarchar(-1) | |
13 | EMailAddress | nvarchar(256) | |
14 | EMailSpecialInstructions | nvarchar(-1) | |
15 | EMailTelephoneNumber | nvarchar(100) | |
16 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
17 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
View: vEmployee
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | Title | nvarchar(16) | |
3 | FirstName | Name | |
4 | MiddleName | Name | |
5 | LastName | Name | |
6 | Suffix | nvarchar(20) | |
7 | JobTitle | nvarchar(100) | |
8 | PhoneNumber | Phone | |
9 | PhoneNumberType | Name | |
10 | EmailAddress | nvarchar(100) | |
11 | EmailPromotion | int | |
12 | AddressLine1 | nvarchar(120) | |
13 | AddressLine2 | nvarchar(120) | |
14 | City | nvarchar(60) | |
15 | StateProvinceName | Name | |
16 | PostalCode | nvarchar(30) | |
17 | CountryRegionName | Name | |
18 | AdditionalContactInfo | xml | |
Relationships | |||
View: vEmployeeDepartment
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | Title | nvarchar(16) | |
3 | FirstName | Name | |
4 | MiddleName | Name | |
5 | LastName | Name | |
6 | Suffix | nvarchar(20) | |
7 | JobTitle | nvarchar(100) | |
8 | Department | Name | |
9 | GroupName | Name | |
10 | StartDate | date | |
Relationships | |||
View: vEmployeeDepartmentHistory
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | Title | nvarchar(16) | |
3 | FirstName | Name | |
4 | MiddleName | Name | |
5 | LastName | Name | |
6 | Suffix | nvarchar(20) | |
7 | Shift | Name | |
8 | Department | Name | |
9 | GroupName | Name | |
10 | StartDate | date | |
11 | EndDate | date | |
Relationships | |||
View: vIndividualCustomer
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | Title | nvarchar(16) | |
3 | FirstName | Name | |
4 | MiddleName | Name | |
5 | LastName | Name | |
6 | Suffix | nvarchar(20) | |
7 | PhoneNumber | Phone | |
8 | PhoneNumberType | Name | |
9 | EmailAddress | nvarchar(100) | |
10 | EmailPromotion | int | |
11 | AddressType | Name | |
12 | AddressLine1 | nvarchar(120) | |
13 | AddressLine2 | nvarchar(120) | |
14 | City | nvarchar(60) | |
15 | StateProvinceName | Name | |
16 | PostalCode | nvarchar(30) | |
17 | CountryRegionName | Name | |
18 | Demographics | xml | |
Relationships | |||
View: vJobCandidate
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | JobCandidateID | int | |
2 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
3 | Name.Prefix | nvarchar(60) | |
4 | Name.First | nvarchar(60) | |
5 | Name.Middle | nvarchar(60) | |
6 | Name.Last | nvarchar(60) | |
7 | Name.Suffix | nvarchar(60) | |
8 | Skills | nvarchar(-1) | |
9 | Addr.Type | nvarchar(60) | |
10 | Addr.Loc.CountryRegion | nvarchar(200) | |
11 | Addr.Loc.State | nvarchar(200) | |
12 | Addr.Loc.City | nvarchar(200) | |
13 | Addr.PostalCode | nvarchar(40) | |
14 | nvarchar(-1) | ||
15 | WebSite | nvarchar(-1) | |
16 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
View: vJobCandidateEducation
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | JobCandidateID | int | |
2 | Edu.Level | nvarchar(-1) | |
3 | Edu.StartDate | datetime | |
4 | Edu.EndDate | datetime | |
5 | Edu.Degree | nvarchar(100) | |
6 | Edu.Major | nvarchar(100) | |
7 | Edu.Minor | nvarchar(100) | |
8 | Edu.GPA | nvarchar(10) | |
9 | Edu.GPAScale | nvarchar(10) | |
10 | Edu.School | nvarchar(200) | |
11 | Edu.Loc.CountryRegion | nvarchar(200) | |
12 | Edu.Loc.State | nvarchar(200) | |
13 | Edu.Loc.City | nvarchar(200) | |
Relationships | |||
View: vJobCandidateEmployment
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | JobCandidateID | int | |
2 | Emp.StartDate | datetime | |
3 | Emp.EndDate | datetime | |
4 | Emp.OrgName | nvarchar(200) | |
5 | Emp.JobTitle | nvarchar(200) | |
6 | Emp.Responsibility | nvarchar(-1) | |
7 | Emp.FunctionCategory | nvarchar(-1) | |
8 | Emp.IndustryCategory | nvarchar(-1) | |
9 | Emp.Loc.CountryRegion | nvarchar(-1) | |
10 | Emp.Loc.State | nvarchar(-1) | |
11 | Emp.Loc.City | nvarchar(-1) | |
Relationships | |||
View: vPersonDemographics
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | TotalPurchaseYTD | money | |
3 | DateFirstPurchase | datetime | |
4 | BirthDate | datetime | |
5 | MaritalStatus | nvarchar(2) | |
6 | YearlyIncome | nvarchar(60) | |
7 | Gender | nvarchar(2) | |
8 | TotalChildren | int | |
9 | NumberChildrenAtHome | int | |
10 | Education | nvarchar(60) | |
11 | Occupation | nvarchar(60) | |
12 | HomeOwnerFlag | bit | |
13 | NumberCarsOwned | int | |
Relationships | |||
View: vProductAndDescription
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ProductID | int | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | ProductModel | Name | |
4 | CultureID | nchar(12) | |
5 | Description | nvarchar(800) | |
Relationships | |||
View: vProductModelCatalogDescription
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ProductModelID | int | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | Summary | nvarchar(-1) | |
4 | Manufacturer | nvarchar(-1) | |
5 | Copyright | nvarchar(60) | |
6 | ProductURL | nvarchar(512) | |
7 | WarrantyPeriod | nvarchar(512) | |
8 | WarrantyDescription | nvarchar(512) | |
9 | NoOfYears | nvarchar(512) | |
10 | MaintenanceDescription | nvarchar(512) | |
11 | Wheel | nvarchar(512) | |
12 | Saddle | nvarchar(512) | |
13 | Pedal | nvarchar(512) | |
14 | BikeFrame | nvarchar(-1) | |
15 | Crankset | nvarchar(512) | |
16 | PictureAngle | nvarchar(512) | |
17 | PictureSize | nvarchar(512) | |
18 | ProductPhotoID | nvarchar(512) | |
19 | Material | nvarchar(512) | |
20 | Color | nvarchar(512) | |
21 | ProductLine | nvarchar(512) | |
22 | Style | nvarchar(512) | |
23 | RiderExperience | nvarchar(2048) | |
24 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
25 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
View: vProductModelInstructions
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | ProductModelID | int | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | Instructions | nvarchar(-1) | |
4 | LocationID | int | |
5 | SetupHours | decimal(9,4) | |
6 | MachineHours | decimal(9,4) | |
7 | LaborHours | decimal(9,4) | |
8 | LotSize | int | |
9 | Step | nvarchar(2048) | |
10 | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | |
11 | ModifiedDate | datetime | |
Relationships | |||
View: vSalesPerson
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | Title | nvarchar(16) | |
3 | FirstName | Name | |
4 | MiddleName | Name | |
5 | LastName | Name | |
6 | Suffix | nvarchar(20) | |
7 | JobTitle | nvarchar(100) | |
8 | PhoneNumber | Phone | |
9 | PhoneNumberType | Name | |
10 | EmailAddress | nvarchar(100) | |
11 | EmailPromotion | int | |
12 | AddressLine1 | nvarchar(120) | |
13 | AddressLine2 | nvarchar(120) | |
14 | City | nvarchar(60) | |
15 | StateProvinceName | Name | |
16 | PostalCode | nvarchar(30) | |
17 | CountryRegionName | Name | |
18 | TerritoryName | Name | |
19 | TerritoryGroup | nvarchar(100) | |
20 | SalesQuota | money | |
21 | SalesYTD | money | |
22 | SalesLastYear | money | |
Relationships | |||
View: vSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYears
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | SalesPersonID | int | |
2 | FullName | nvarchar(304) | |
3 | JobTitle | nvarchar(100) | |
4 | SalesTerritory | Name | |
5 | 2002 | money | |
6 | 2003 | money | |
7 | 2004 | money | |
Relationships | |||
View: vStateProvinceCountryRegion
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | StateProvinceID | int | |
2 | StateProvinceCode | nchar(6) | |
3 | IsOnlyStateProvinceFlag | Flag | |
4 | StateProvinceName | Name | |
5 | TerritoryID | int | |
6 | CountryRegionCode | nvarchar(6) | |
7 | CountryRegionName | Name | |
Relationships | |||
View: vStoreWithAddresses
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | AddressType | Name | |
4 | AddressLine1 | nvarchar(120) | |
5 | AddressLine2 | nvarchar(120) | |
6 | City | nvarchar(60) | |
7 | StateProvinceName | Name | |
8 | PostalCode | nvarchar(30) | |
9 | CountryRegionName | Name | |
Relationships | |||
View: vStoreWithContacts
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | ContactType | Name | |
4 | Title | nvarchar(16) | |
5 | FirstName | Name | |
6 | MiddleName | Name | |
7 | LastName | Name | |
8 | Suffix | nvarchar(20) | |
9 | PhoneNumber | Phone | |
10 | PhoneNumberType | Name | |
11 | EmailAddress | nvarchar(100) | |
12 | EmailPromotion | int | |
Relationships | |||
View: vStoreWithDemographics
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | AnnualSales | money | |
4 | AnnualRevenue | money | |
5 | BankName | nvarchar(100) | |
6 | BusinessType | nvarchar(10) | |
7 | YearOpened | int | |
8 | Specialty | nvarchar(100) | |
9 | SquareFeet | int | |
10 | Brands | nvarchar(60) | |
11 | Internet | nvarchar(60) | |
12 | NumberEmployees | int | |
Relationships | |||
View: vVendorWithAddresses
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | AddressType | Name | |
4 | AddressLine1 | nvarchar(120) | |
5 | AddressLine2 | nvarchar(120) | |
6 | City | nvarchar(60) | |
7 | StateProvinceName | Name | |
8 | PostalCode | nvarchar(30) | |
9 | CountryRegionName | Name | |
Relationships | |||
View: vVendorWithContacts
# | Column | DataType | |
1 | BusinessEntityID | int | |
2 | Name | Name | |
3 | ContactType | Name | |
4 | Title | nvarchar(16) | |
5 | FirstName | Name | |
6 | MiddleName | Name | |
7 | LastName | Name | |
8 | Suffix | nvarchar(20) | |
9 | PhoneNumber | Phone | |
10 | PhoneNumberType | Name | |
11 | EmailAddress | nvarchar(100) | |
12 | EmailPromotion | int | |
Relationships | |||